Wednesday, October 13, 2021
10 AM – 4 PM
Rochester Museum & Science Center
657 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14607
MANY Members $25
Non-members $30
Registration includes lunch and museum admission.
Schedule is subject to change. Forum is limited to 30 people. Advance registration required.
10 - 10:15 AM
10:15 - 11:30 AM
Your Museum’s Leadership Team: Building the Board-Executive Director Partnership
Susan Weinrich, Sr VP, Organizational & Community Development, New York Council of Nonprofits
Executive Directors and Board Members join together to discuss their leadership team and discuss best practices and creative approaches to building a partnership that sustains effective and dynamic organizations. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss what the board expects of the executive and what the executive expects of the board. Join your peers in the museum sector, share ideas, and develop recommendations to bring back to your organization.
11:30 AM - 12 PM
MANY Update: Advocacy & Programs with Erika Sanger
12 - 1 PM
Lunch and time to visit Rochester Museum & Science Center
1 - 2:30 PM
Our Museum in Action: Engaging Hard to Reach Donors in Small Projects
Ken Meifert, Vice-President for Sponsorship and Development, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
Five years ago the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum launched a program called Our Museum in Action. Focused on small digital preservation and conservation projects, the program allows donors to contribute towards specific small projects and in many cases fully fund the project providing the donor with a sense of “ownership.” The Museum has successfully engaged new donors who were not previously contributing while funding important projects that would otherwise put a crunch on the operating budget. The presentation will cover what has worked and what has not since the launch of the program, and provide takeaways for you to launch your own Our Museum in Action program regardless of your organizations' size.
2:30 - 2:45 PM
2:45 - 4 PM
The Restoration of Cherry Hill: A Journey Map
Deborah Emmons-Andarawis, Executive Director, Historic Cherry Hill & The Edward Frisbee Center for Collections & Research
Historic Cherry Hill in Albany, NY has dedicated the past ten years to a restoration project that preserved its 1787 historic structure. In June, they completed the interior work and reopened to the public. Executive Director Deborah Emmons-Andarawis will share the journey of identifying federal and private funding sources and the long (and somewhat tortuous) path to restoration.
MANY's COVID-19 Safety Policy for In-Person Events
With the safety of our colleagues foremost in mind, attendees at programs offered by the Museum Association of New York must agree to our COVID-19 Safety Policy. Click here to read.