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Letter from Erika: State of NYS Museums

December 30, 2019 10:25 AM | Museum Association New York (Administrator)

Dear Members of the MANY Museum Community,

This last "Letter from Erika" in 2019 is different.

It is a first look at data provided by 206 museums (15% of our state’s museums) who answered over a hundred questions in our 2019 State of New York State Museums survey.

This first survey of the field conducted by MANY since 2011, paints a new picture with charts, graphs, and data visualizations created by Megan Eves, MANY’s Marketing and Social Media Coordinator who studied this summer with Edward Tufte, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science, Yale University. The full report will be published in March 2020. 

This letter also includes testimony I delivered on Thursday, December 12 at a hearing on Capital Funding for Arts and Cultural Organizations called by the Assembly Standing Committee on Tourism, Parks, Arts, and Sports chaired by Assembly Member Daniel J. O’Donnell (District 69) and the Assembly Subcommittee on Museums & Cultural Institutions chaired by Assembly Member Robert C. Carroll (District 44). My testimony was shaped by the survey data that illuminated differences in distribution and types of funding to museums. 

We have included a map and an alphabetical list of the museums who shared their information. We are grateful for the time and generosity of our colleagues. When published, the charts and report will be located on a members-only access page of the website. Members will need to log into their MANY profile on the website to access the report. 

About the Charts

Not every museum answered every question in the survey. You will find an “n” number on each chart to support the data; text analysis will include the phrases “of those who responded to the survey,” and “of those who responded to the question.”

Charts included in this letter are: 

Thank you for your support in 2019. We served a record number of museum professionals through our conference, workshops, and Meet-Ups. Our membership has grown to almost double what it was just three years ago. 

Your membership helps us sustain operations and produce important publications like our newsletter and the State of New York State Museums. A tax-deductible donation to our annual fund will help MANY ensure a better future for all New York Museums. Click here now to make a donation; gifts of any size are welcome and deeply appreciated.

With thanks and wishing you a Happy New Year,

The Museum Association of New York helps shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.

Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

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