We are pleased to share this 2019 Annual Report. By the time you read this in 2020, however, New York’s museums and MANY will look very different than we did at the end of 2019. In these uncertain times, no one knows what challenges our museum community may face in a week, a month, or a year. But we have faith that as New Yorkers with common missions and goals we can support each other, share resources, and make it through together. MANY is stronger and more deeply connected than ever before and we will be here to help our museums survive and thrive. At the end of 2019 we had 642 members from every region, budget size, and discipline and closed the year in a positive financial position. We are proud of the opportunities that we created for museum professionals to gather, to learn, and to grow their professional networks. This annual report details that growth and reach. Our partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s Museums on Main Street Program brought their Water/Ways exhibition to four New York museums. We signed the contract to bring the exhibition Voices and Votes: Democracy in America to twelve of New York’s smallest museums in 2024 and 2025 and will continue to leverage the resources of our nation’s preeminent museums to increase the capacity of our state’s smallest museums. It was an investment of funds and an expression of our strong belief that New York’s museums will significantly contribute to America 250. We have many people to thank for making 2019 a notable year. MANY’s board of directors volunteered hundreds of hours of their time to strengthen our state’s museums and are increasing the value of what we can offer as an association to individual, organizational, and industry partner members. We welcome four new board members in our class of 2023 who will generously share their perspectives and expertise with our association and our museum community. We thank you for your work as a museum staff member, a trustee, a volunteer, a student, an independent professional, a service provider, an industry partner, or a stakeholder. We couldn’t support museums without you!
Click here to download our 2019 Annual Report