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Session: Reaching Past Aficionado: Cultivating Connections Beyond Hobbyists and Enthusiasts

Monday, April 7

9:15 - 10:30 AM

Location: Ithaca Downtown Conference Center


At niche-collection museums we love our core enthusiasts – but what does it take to engage visitors and stakeholders with other varying interests and needs? What does “relevance” look like? How does it translate in communities where we are

located and across audiences we serve? How can we engage effectively in socially and culturally inclusive practices? In an “answers-are -in-the-room” interactive workshop, leaders from two small, niche- collection museums will engage colleagues in creative problem-solving to unlock their potential for reaching and engaging with audiences from across John Falk’s museum visitor motivation types, and entertain whether these “types” extend to other, non-visitor engagement.


Kara Calder, Executive Director, Finger Lakes Boating Museum

Kara joined Finger Lakes Boating Museum as Executive Director in August 2023, prior to which she was Senior Director of Programs at Genesee Country Village & Museum. She returned to her Finger Lakes – and museum – roots after a career in Maryland serving as a senior communications and strategic planning administrator for a large school system. Kara earned a BA in International Relations from Tufts University but was drawn to community engagement, diplomacy, and history at the local level; her professional first role was assistant director for what is now the Yates County History Center.

Carol Anne Adams, Executive Director, Glenn H. Curtiss Museum

Carol Anne Adams is the Executive Director at the Glenn H. Curtiss Museum. Before joining the Curtiss Museum, she worked for the Historic Three Bears Complex, the Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University, and the National Archives in the United Kingdom. She holds an MA from Cornell University and King’s College London and has been a past recipient of a Bradley Fellowship. Her research has been published in the Smithsonian Magazine, Nature, Archaeology Magazine, and CNN Science.

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By registering for and attending our Annual Conference "Cultivating Community: Looking In, Reaching Out" you grant the Museum Association of New York (MANY) and its authorized representatives permission to film, photograph, or otherwise record your participation in the conference and associated special events.

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Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

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