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Emily Martz, PhD

Executive Director

Great Camp Sagamore

Region: North Country

Committee(s): Advocacy, Marketing

Emily Martz is the Executive Director of Sagamore Institute of the Adirondacks, which is the steward of Great Camp Sagamore, a National Historic Landmark in Raquette Lake, NY. Emily’s work in museums combines her past careers that spanned the worlds of higher-education, nonprofits, and business. She spent a decade directing the sales and marketing for major mutual fund companies in the Pacific Northwest and Boston before earning her doctorate in History at University of Delaware. After teaching at Paul Smith’s College and Clarkson University, she moved into the nonprofit sphere directing the operations and finance for a regional economic development organization. Emily loves her museum work because through it, she helps others enjoy the rejuvenating powers of the outdoors and the lure of history.

The Museum Association of New York helps shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.

Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

265 River Street
Troy, NY 12180 USA

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