Wednesday, October 27, 2021
10 AM – 4 PM
Museum of Arts and Design
2 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10019
MANY Members $25
Non-members $30
Registration includes lunch and museum admission.
Schedule is subject to change. Forum is limited to 30 people. Advance registration required.
10 - 10:15 AM
10:15 - 11:30 AM
Saving and Preserving the Pyrrhus Concer Home Site
Georgette Grier-Key, PhD, Executive Director and Chief Curator, Eastville Community Historical Society and Design Committee Chair, Pyrrhus Concer Action Committee
Pyrrhus Concer is one of the most important historical figures in Southampton. Concer, a formerly enslaved Black man, worked as a whale steerer on the whaling ship The Manhattan that rescued 22 Japanese sailors in 1845. Concer is believed to have been the first Black man to visit Japan at the time. For the last few years, the Pyrrhus Concer Action Committee has worked on honoring and preserving the legacy of Concer in his hometown after his original home was demolished. The Committee's $3.6M project includes the construction of a replica of the original home, the renovation of a cottage that is still on the property, and the building of a visitor center. Recently, the Committee has had to overcome roadblocks in order to pave the way for the project to move forward. In this session, Dr. Grier-Key will share how these current efforts are being undertaken to retell the story of Concer who was erased from history.
11:30 AM - 12 PM
MANY Update: Advocacy & Programs with Erika Sanger
12 - 1 PM
Lunch and time to explore the Museum of Arts and Design
1 - 2:30 PM
Silo Breakdown: Internal Collaboration and Activating A Smithsonian Affiliation
Brett Smith, Director of Advancement, The Rockwell Museum
Brian Lee Whisenhunt, Executive Director, The Rockwell Museum
Willa Rose Vogel, Marketing Manager, The Rockwell Museum
The Rockwell Museum became a Smithsonian Affiliate in 2015, and has since revamped their membership model, introduced new annual exhibition and program themes, increased visitation and staff morale. Hear how this mid-sized museum has activated their Smithsonian partnership and broken down their own interdepartmental silos with a new internal communications structure to make it all happen.
2:30 - 2:45 PM
2:45 - 4 PM
Podcasting for Cultural Organizations: A Crash Course
Laura Free, Host, Amended
Reva Goldberg, Producer, Amended
Are you curious about engaging your audience through audio storytelling? Is your museum interested in podcasting, but you're not sure where to start? Join the creative team behind Amended--a six-part documentary series about the diversity and complexity of the quest for women’s full equality in the United States--to learn about the process of developing, launching, and distributing a podcast. Using Amended as an example, this session will walk participants through the creative and practical considerations that go into podcasting. Presenters include Dr. Laura Free, host and writer; Reva Goldberg, producer, editor, and co-writer, and Scarlett Rebman, project director, Humanities New York.
MANY's COVID-19 Safety Policy for In-Person Events
With the safety of our colleagues foremost in mind, attendees at programs offered by the Museum Association of New York must agree to our COVID-19 Safety Policy. Click here to read.