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The Museum Study Act funded in the 2023-24 NYS Budget

The 2023/24 New York State Budget included $1M in funding for The Museum Study Act. The department of economic development, in conjunction with other departments and entities, will conduct a comprehensive study of public and private museums and report their findings and recommendations.

The study will identify and gather data about all museums in the state including size, hours of operation, visitor statistics, funding sources and amounts, and the subjects of their collections. The resulting report will help illustrate economic and social impacts, quantify needs, and recommend systems to ensure equitable distribution of state funds. It will help communities, legislative representatives, and individual supporters learn about the missions, audiences, and funding needs of our state's museums.

What's happening now?

The RFP for the Statewide Study of Public and Private Museums is now closed. We will share more information once it becomes available.

Click here to learn more


New Yorkers and their histories are deeply connected to the founding of our nation and the continuing evolution of our democracy. The roots of the abolition, women’s suffrage, and civil rights movements are in New York soil. Five US Presidents were born and raised in New York. New York ranks third in our nation in welcoming New Americans.

As our nation approaches the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, museums are searching for ways to engage their local communities with connections to the history of our nation. They are seeking ways to tell multivocal stories of our past, to embrace all the people who live in their communities regardless of race, religion, or nation of origin; and how to engage their communities with stories of those excluded from democratic processes, whether historically marginalized, enslaved, incarcerated, or members of native nations on unceded lands. They are also looking for ways to envision the future of our nation by investigating how our past has shaped American identity.

250th Resources

New York State 250th Commemoration Commission

The New York State 250th Commemoration Field Guide

Making History at 250 –The Field Guide for the Semiquincentennial by the American Association for State and Local History

Time to Talk 250th

Speaking Up for NYS Museums, 2019 Museums Advocacy Day

with the American Alliance of Museums

Risdon Photography /

Speaking Up for NYS Museums, 2019 Museums Advocacy Day

with the American Alliance of Museums

Risdon Photography /

The Museum Association of New York helps shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.

Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

265 River Street
Troy, NY 12180 USA

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