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Fort Wood Creek on the National Register of Historic Places

May 13, 2019 11:34 AM | Museum Association New York (Administrator)

image of the earthworks at Fort Wood Creek taken in 2018, courtesy of Rome Historical Society.

Image of the earthworks at Fort Wood Creek taken in 2018, courtesy of Rome Historical Society. 

On March 14, 2019 the French and Indian War fortification known as Fort Wood Creek was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Fort Wood Creek, located on the Rome Historical Society’s Fort Bull property, dates to 1756 when it was constructed by the British to replace Fort Bull after it had been attacked and destroyed by 362 French and their Indian allies.

With various efforts to preserve the property going back generations, it was not until 2015 that the Fort Bull Research Group nominated the site for review by the New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Office for listing on the State and National Historic register.  

“The Rome Historical Society, on behalf of its members and the general public would like to thank the Fort Bull Research Group for its instrumental and continuing role in the preservation and interpretation of the Society’s Fort Bull/ Wood Creek property. Their effort along with those of the State Historic Preservation Office and in consultation with local independent historians was the first truly collaborative effort of its kind to recognize and protect the property for future generations.” said Rome Historical Society Director, Arthur L. Simmons III

The National Register is the nation’s official list of properties worthy of preservation. Listing on the National Register recognizes the importance of these properties to the history of our country and provides them with a measure of protection. Properties owned by not-for-profits are eligible to apply for state historic preservation matching grants.

Fort Wood Creek and the Fort Bull property was also in the news recently when an American Battlefield Protection Program Grant in the amount of $68,000 was awarded to the Public Archaeology Facility at SUNY Binghamton to conduct an archaeological survey of the Fort and surrounding area in order to identify the remnants of the Battle of Fort Bull which occurred on March 27, 1756. With the survey set to begin this spring Arthur L. Simmons III said “we cannot be more excited about working with the Public Archaeology Facility on this project. This is the first time in over 25 years that any legitimate attempt has been made to identify the remaining historical resources at and around the site”.  Also known to be in the vicinity of the Fort Wood Creek/ Bull property is the remains of the Western Inland Lock Navigation Canal, The First Contract Portion of the Erie Canal and the currently watered remains of the Improved Erie.

“This is where it all came together, the original gateway to the west, the Oneida Carrying Place. From its Native American origins through 18th century conflicts to 19th Century channeled waterways, there is no other place in North America that would have such a diverse role in our nation’s history than this small strip of land.” said Rome Historical Society Director, Arthur L. Simmons III

The Rome Historical Society is located at 200 Church Street, Rome, NY and is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.  For more information, call (315) 336-5870, like them on Facebook, or visit their website at

The Museum Association of New York helps shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.

Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

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