How long do we expect collections to last in museums? Ten years? A hundred? A thousand? We tend to assume that once an item is in a museum it will last forever. Sadly, this is often not the case. Objects begin to decay the moment they are made. If a museum's conditions are right and the objects are cared for correctly, we can delay the decay process. If objects are not cared for properly, we witness the deterioration taking place before our eyes via rust, cracks, mold, warping, rips and tearing, fading, flaking, etc.
The best weapon to delay this process is the proper care and housing of collections. However, collections care and storage can be a challenge in museums based simply on the variety, size, and number of items they contain. When combined with considerations regarding storage space, storage methods, and shelving, the challenges of storing one item among many become complex. Storage and handling methods have a direct impact on the useful life of collections and accessibility of information. Damage can be avoided by preventing overcrowded, careless, or haphazard storage conditions. Chemically unstable and improperly fitting shelving and storage enclosures accelerate the deterioration of materials they are intended to protect.
Through this training series the longevity of collections can be extended significantly by putting into practice the collections care training and guidelines demonstrated in the workshops.
Full-day workshops include light breakfast, luncheon, afternoon coffee break, and reference materials.
Click here to register. You'll be able to register for one, two, or all three sessions in the same transaction. You can also access the registration portal by visiting our website at: