AAMG’s 2021 conference will explore how academic museums and galleries are fostering wellness and embracing new understandings of equity in the midst of one of the most challenging social, political, and economic periods in American history. This year’s conference aims to find new paths and solutions to a more just and empathetic world. We invite proposals that address these questions: How are museums and galleries becoming community hubs where emotional, psychological, and identity-centered fairness and solace can be explored, created, debated, and located? How have DEAI initiatives challenged or disrupted your institutional structure and internal practices, including collections, exhibitions, storytelling and teaching, and management? How do academic museums and galleries survive and thrive in this new higher education reality?
Possible Proposal Topics:
- Embedding wellness across the institution
- Adapting and changing priorities for the better to be more equitable
- Social emotional learning as a foundation for the educational resources
- Taking the wellness temperature of museums – are we healthy?
- Helping our parent institutions address racial and gender justice practices and initiatives
- Creating effective political discourse in our communities
- Expanding audience when embracing health and wellness-oriented programs and resources
- Overcoming the impact of inequities that have long existed in higher education and society on museums/galleries
- Moving our staff, colleagues, students, and audiences from a focus on self-care to an emphasis on community-care
Types of Proposals Requested
2021 Conference Proposal Information & Guidelines
Four presenters speak for fifteen minutes each on a focused topic. There should be time left at the end for Q&A (60 min. presentations/30 min. Q&A). Proposals must include information on the four presenters, one person serving as chair of the session. The chair can also be a presenter or serve as moderator/chair. Sessions are 1.5 hours.
Items Needed for your Submission
- Title (Maximum of 10 words)
- Bio
- Headshot
- Description (Maximum of 75 words) If the session is accepted, this will be used in the Program*.
- Abstract (Maximum of 250 words) Include why your session is innovative and relevant. Describe (up to three) objectives and potential learning outcomes of the proposal. Tell us why your topic and the proposed presentations within this session relate to the 2021 theme of Wellness & Equity?
- Intended Audience/Track. Check all that apply (Student & Emerging Professional, Leadership & Management, Education & Community, Collections, Curatorial)
- Presenters (200 words). List presenters you have approached to participate in this session and provide a brief description of the topic or contribution they will make to this session.
Three-four speakers will engage in a moderated discussion. Panel discussions, including Q&A, will be 1.5 hours. (max. 30 min. presentations/60 min. discussion and Q&A). Panels are 1.5 hours.
Items Needed for your Submission
- Title (Maximum of 10 words)
- Bio
- Headshot
- Abstract (Maximum of 75 words) If the panel is accepted, this will be used in the Program*.
- Description (Maximum of 300 words) Include why your panel is innovative and relevant. Tell us how your topic relates to the 2021 theme of Wellness & Equity.
- Intended Audience/Track. Check all that apply (Student & Emerging Professional, Leadership & Management, Education & Community, Collections, Curatorial)
- Presenters (200 words). List presenters you have approached to participate in this session and provide a brief description of the contribution they will make to this panel.
These single presentations are 5-8 minutes each and will be grouped together, similar to a pecha kucha. These Bold Ideas are intended to showcase everything from the variety of work that you do (case studies) to the big challenges and solutions needed in the field, all with a focus on wellness and equity.
Items Needed for your Submission
- Title (Maximum of 10 words)
- Bio
- Headshot
- Description (Maximum of 75 words) If the session is accepted, this will be used in the Program*.
- Abstract (Maximum of 250 words) Describe how your bold idea/story relates to the 2021 theme of Wellness & Equity?
As the Roundtable Facilitator you will offer a 10-15 minute overview about a topic and your personal or professional connection to it, and then facilitate a conversation with those present.
Items Needed for your Submission
- Title (Maximum of 10 words)
- Bio
- Headshot
- Description (Maximum of 75 words) If the session is accepted, this will be used in the Program*.
- Abstract (Maximum of 250 words) Provide an overview for your discussion and why your skills, experiences, and interests will contribute to your success as a discussion leader, particularly as this relates to the conference theme.
- Co-moderator/s. (Maximum 100 words) If you plan to have others co-moderate, please list them here and a brief description of how their skills and experience will contribute to the topic.
Share your research, demonstrating a connection to the conference theme. These poster sessions offer an opportunity to share 5-10 minute presentations about recent research and discuss the research with attendees. These will be held live during the conference.
Items Needed for your Submission
- Title (Maximum of 10 words)
- Bio
- Headshot
- Description (Maximum of 75 words) If the session is accepted, this will be used in the Program*.
- Abstract (Maximum of 250 words) Tell us how your research relates to the 2021 theme of Wellness & Equity.
Learn more: https://www.eventsquid.com/event/11514